Legend of Edda: Pegasus Epic 1 – Towa Menace is Now Live!

Hello Legend of Edda: Pegasus players!

The first major game update, Epic 1 – Towa Menace, has been launched!

Some new stuff you can expect:

  • The level cap has been raised from 25 to 30
  • Archers now charge CP using any damaging skill, not just critical damage
  • Mages have had their skill mana costs reduced by half due to player feedback
  • A new dungeon called Towa Haunt has been introduced, accessible to players at level 28, offering mystery and challenges
  • Additionally, there are new Sacred War maps and a schedule change, enhancing strategic warfare in the game

Visit the official website to get more details: https://bit.ly/LegendOfEddaPSTowaMenace

Have fun!